The "First ever Sasebo Reunion" was a success!

The "Original Kahoks Cheerleaders" strut their stuff! They've still got what it takes!

You guys missed out!!! The Vegas reunion was Terrific!!! The "Geezers" are a blast! The Golden Nugget was beautiful!
And I came home a Winner! I can't remember when I had so much fun and sooooo little sleep. It was so good to see Rotor and
Roy again and guess what? Neither have changed a bit. The Geezers... my, my they are another story! They are sooooo funny...
but the stories they told... weren't much different then the one we have... except maybe the hair styles and dress were different...
Roy's wife, Lillian, was a true sport and so sweet. Roy, Rotor and I stayed up late every night into the wee hours. The
first day I was up 26 hours before I finally told Roy and Rotor to get out of my room! lol! Got about 4 hours sleep, then
got up and started again. Went to the breakfast with the "geezers", hospitality time, then later the reception time.
We were ROTFLOAO all night long!!! Stories about "falsies" and "zippers" (you just had to be there!)Then
after Roy went to his "business meeting" we met up with him again and Roy, Rotor and I went to give Vegas some more
of our money.lol but... Kaching! I fool em.. wasnt big but... I did come home with more then I went with!! Roter had this
look on his face,(priceless) I ask him was was wrong?? He was dancing around... you just won 300.00! I said did not! but low
and behold my machine was going nuts! I had told both the guys that all I wanted was to hear the coins go "klunk klunk"
in the tray for a long time and to pay my M&M bill. Hot damn! I did that and then some! The guys convinced be to "take
the money and run!" which I did, so we then went to try and win Rotor some... ha... didnt happen but sure had a fun time
losing it for him...all of our techniques were getting very interesting! (had to be there)An other late night into the morning.
I got home finally Tuesday night at 10:00 pm with maybe a total of 6 hours of sleep in 3 days... amazing! Hadn't done that
in a few years! lol! In short, the whole time was great and I'm pumped about ours next year!!catch you all later! Toodles,

This reunion was the bomb...It will go down as another great Sasebo memory..These people are great and made us feel right
at home from the very start...you would of thought we were there with them.. Sunday night Ginger, Roy and his wife Lilian
and myself had dinner at a Japanese resterant at Caesars Palace...go figure..great food and company..did alot of catching
up..looked at yearbooks and pictures to the early morning hour...until Ginger gave us the boot..she'd been up forever.. The
next morning we met for the breakfast meeting, the room was nice, decorated in purple and white, tables with yearbooks, pictures
and other items from the past..They filed in one by one and greeted each other for the first time in forty years...the looks
on there faces were priceless....We became one of the group right away, many wanting to know things from our time... Breakfast
was good and the stories were great..this broke up at 10:00 , we had till 1:00 to do a little running around..Went with Ginger
to M&M world and watched the girl go crazy...like a kid in a candy store, the girl is addicted, she's got it bad....
Back to the reunion...the 2nd part of the reunion was better .. everyone had loosed up and the party was kickin...one
by one they would step up to the microphone and tell one of there favorite memories, this was an assignment given to them
at the breakfast..the stories had us falling out of our chairs...and the zipper one.. They showed a video made up of
some 8mm film and how things have changed in downtown Sasebo...they also had some shots from a couple of years ago... The
cheerleaders got up and did a couple of cheers and the crowd went wild...they still remembered after all those years...pictures
were taken...first the geezer group then Ginger, Roy and Myself,which ended up with us doing a very bad can-can while singing.."Do
a little dance, Make a little love, Get down tonight." Boy that Roy can sing... We ended up in the lounge with a
large group of them and this went on until the 3 of us decide to hit the strip and regain lost money...Ginger was the first
to complete this mission.. she hit a jackpot. I'm jumping up and down " Yeah, Yeah" and she's looking at me like
I'm crazy...no idea she hit...now to regain my losses...we tried for hours ,each using or own technique, Roy rolling the coin
3 times towards him then a forceful push into the slot and then a one fingered soft touch on the bottom right hand corner
of the button...Ginger, rubbing the coin between her hands ,a gentle drop into the slot then a mighty slap on the button..Myself
preferred chanting eenie meenie chili beany while hopping on one foot and spinning around..but once again Vegas is the winner..
This reunion was great, the time planned was enough and also gave people time to hang with there own little groups,
just like before...also those who brought spouses , no problem , had things to do when they got tired of the war stories...
It cost me $160.00 for air and hotel, with which we also got a $50.00 food and drink credit..$45.00 for registration
fee...plus what I spend or gave to the casinos...It has everything we need...low hotel rates for great rooms, good food and
great entertainment...John Gordon who was the ring leader said he would be more than happy to give us any information that
he has... They had to put down a $250.00 deposit and book 20 rooms...the banquet room was free for the booking of the 2 catered
events...they booked well over 20 rooms and he said that the Golden Nugget bent over backwards making sure this went well...Rotor