In 1957, a man named Ed Layher, a sailor stationed in Sasebo, took over as coach of the basketball team. Prior to that there
was a basketball team, but as far as I know it did not have a name or official colors - or uniforms for that matter. Ed Layher
had been a high school basketball player himself at Collinsville High School in Illinois, and he suggested we use the same
name and school colors as his former high school. And that's how the name KaHoks and the purple and white colors and indian
chief logo came about. They had bake sales, dances, raffles, etc. etc. to raise money for the first uniforms. They were really
something! Purple and white satin with complete warm-up pants and jacket and everything. They were the cats meow! Actually
they weren't too bad as a team. They were better than 50-50 against the local Japanese high schools, and we even beat a couple
of the local navy teams.

Collinsville High School is located in Collinsville, Illinois and still claim the colors purple and white and the name Kahoks.
The links below will take you to sites about the Kahoks of today or click on the Kahoks logo to go to their school website.
Kahoks Volleyball
Kahoks Softball

Original Kahoks 1957

Four of the starting five from 1957 Hal Amerau, Dick Cedarstaff, Doug Smay, Earle Irwin Homecoming 99