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Kahoks in the Sasebowl News

Tim Huggins discovered an album tucked away in a drawer at EJ King School and sent it to me to share with all of you. The album holds photos from both the 73 and 74 Invitational Tournaments held annually in Sasebo.

Sasebowl News



Kahoks take second

The 10th annual Invitational Basketball Tournament held in Sasebo recently was filled with an enthusiastic number of fans that cheered the boys on to victory.
E. J. King School played three exciting games before ending up in the finals and finally taking the scond place trophy.
The picture at the top of the page shows Bennett Johnson in action during a game and at right the EJ King Kahoks pose with the team cheerleaders and their coach, Mr. Pallenik. Read more about the basketball tourney on page 6.

Photos by Larry Brining


Left to right-- Bennett Johnson, Mike Tucker, Captain L.E. Mayes, ComFleetActs Sasebo, and Coach Pallenik, show their approval for the second place trophy won by the Kahoks.


To the delight of a large contingent of Iwakuni fans, Iwakuni pulled ahead of EJ King School, 61 to 46, to win 1st place in the 10th annual Invitational Basketball Tournament held in the Fleet Gym at Fleet Activities, Sasebo.
Iwakuni's top scorer was Ron Boerger with 23 points. High point men for EJ King School were Mike Tucker and Bennett Johnson.
EJ King School played three hard games before ending up in the finals. The first game was against Kita High School, a local Japanese high school, ending with the score EJ King 52, Kita High School 30.
In the second game EJ King played SSK High School, a local Japanese high school, with the final score EJ King 44, SSK High School 28.
The third and closest game EJ King played was against Nagoya International School, a Japanese school from Nagoya, and ended with the score EJ King 33, Nagoya 32.
An All-Tournament Team made up of ten boys from all the teams was chosen by the coaches of the teams on the basis of outstanding playing effort.
Two outstanding players from EJ King, Bennett Johnson and Mike Tucker were selected for the All Tournmaent Team. They kept the ball game alive for EJ King by getting rebounds, driving down the court and setting up the team for scoring. Mike Tucker led Sasebo 16 points per game and Bennett Johnson averaged 15 points per game.
Iwakuni's selectee's for the All Tournament were Bill Boeyen, Ron Boerger and Roland Butler.


Ed Johnson


Eric Gustavson


James Skipper


George Wang


Mike Tucker

Horizontal Divider 30

Sasebowl News

February 22, 1974


Bennett Johnson (20) E.J. King School, revoers the ball for King School as Kazunori (13) and Akinori (15) Kogyo High School, block him in the play-off for first place during the Basketball Tournament last weekend. Other players are Masashi (16) and Atsushi (5) Kogyo High School and Steve Crowe (14) E.J. King School.

The end of the 11th annual High School Invitational Basletball Tournament held at Fleet Activities, Sasebo on February 15, 16, and 17 proved to be quite exciting. For the first time since the beginning of the tournament at Sasebo, two local Japanese teams battled two American teams for the top four places.
The play-off game for first place was action-fiulled all the way. From the beginning, both EJ King School and Kogyo High School knew they had to be aggressive on both the offense and the defense. When the clock started, King School took the lead with a quick two points. In the fast-paced battle that followed both teams put forth extra effort in getting rebounds, driving the ball down-court and scoring. At the end of the first half, King School's speed prevailed for a 47-28 lead.
In the second half, King's players worked on their defense and put enough pressue\re on Kogyo's players to force them to try long passes and recovered the rebounds from Kogyo's missed shots, holding onto their lead for a victory over Kogyo H. S., 72-54.
In winning first place in the tournament, EJ King players have earned the priveledge to play in the Kanto Plains Tournament scheduled in March.
In the play-off game for third place between Nishi H.S. and Iwakuni's Perry School Samurais, Nishi H.S. Can\me on strong in the first half with Sasayama making 16 of the 29 points earned, putting Nishi ahead by 10 points.
With the start of the second half, Perry School started playing a man-to-man defense and was able to slow down Nishi's players' scoring. Perry School's Bill Boyen made 11 of the 31 points scored in the last half, and Perry School came on strong to win over Nishi H.S., 50-46.
Players who were awarded All-Tournament Team Patches for displaying leadership and skill during the tournament are: John Alkire, Canadian Acadamy; Don Ware, Pusan High School; Randy Gentry and Charlie Nielson, Nagoya International School; Sasayama and Seki, Nishi High School; Roland Butler and Bill Boeyen, Iwakuni; and Bennett Johnson, Mike Tucker and Phil Curtis, EJ King School.
CAPT. L. E. Mayes, Commander Fleet Activities, Sasebo, presented the patches and trophies after the last game on Sunday night.



