Our Purpose
The Sasebonians Clubsite was created by Fred Schumann on Sept. 19, 1999 with the intention of tracking down and reuniting
high school alumni from EJ King School located in Sasebo, Japan. Thus far the clubsite has fulfilled its purpose! We have
been reunited with over 80 classmates as well as some teachers and parents. Thank you, Fred, you have given everyone a tremendous
gift in reuniting old friends!

Have you ever heard of a poet named James Kavanaugh? He is a former Catholic priest who was excommunicated because
of his critical writing of the "outdated" Catholic Church. This was back in the days when we were still at E. J.
King. Here's one I think parents will understand. It's from his now out-of-print book from 1972 called "Faces in the
City." ....Eddie Farris~Nagatome A Stone Once a little stone Was lying in a field
Till someone picked him up Polished him Joined him with other stones And made him part of a wall.
He wasn't a stone anymore Free to lie in the dust Until the rain came To make him clean again. He
was cemented in a wall Surrounded, crowded by other stones. He was hardly noticed before Now everyone saw
the wall Of which he was a part. But the wall was in a field And did nothing, protected nothing Led
to nothing. It was only a wall in a field Standing alone made by a man Who thought they should use the stone
for something. And the little stone will remain there Till the wall falls down Or someone knocks it down.
Then he will be a stone again And get dusty, feel the rain And the soft feet of children.
Thoughts on Friends
When just being together is more important than what you do, you are with a friend... How
good it feels, the hand of an old friend! Henry Wadsworth Longfellow I am so glad you are here.....It
helps me to realize how beautiful my world is! No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without
leaving some mark on it forever..... Some people are so special that once they enter your life, it becomes
richer and fuller and more wonderful than you ever thought it could be! To Know someone here or there with
whom you feel there is an understanding in spite of distances or thoughts unexpressed ~ that can make of this earth a garden.
Goethe Friendships that have stood the test ~ time and change ~ are surely best! A
friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are...
We make our living by what we do.....We make our life by what we give... ~Danny Glover The
best mirror is an old friend. ~English proverb We need time to dream, time to remember, time
to reach the infinite. Time to be. ~Gladys Taber Recall it as often as you wish , a happy memory never
wears out. ~Libbie Fudim
Trivia Question Why is there so much ritual in Japanese sumo wrestling? Answer below:

Sumo bouts usually are over in a few seconds. Nevertheless they are accompanied by a lot of business, such as each
humongous contestant reaching a foot high in the air and bringing it down with a crash. The wrestlers also toss
salt around. This ritual, called shikiri, seems to have all the mystery of some ancient religion.
Well it should, for the kick and the salt are supposed to banish evil spirits. The ritual and the sport were originally
connected to Shinto, the ancient state religion of Japan that used to involve emperor worship. The top sumo wrestlers
still take part in some formal Shinto ceremonies. Is sumo ever likely to evolve into the buffoonery that
passes for "professional" wrestling in the United States? Fat chance. (Source: ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA)
Little Known facts about our School Did you know: 1) There was no base school in Sasebo
in 1949 (looks like they used correspondence courses) 2) In the early 50's the school was called Dragon School
3) In 1953 the school was called Schroeder Jr/Sr High 4) The school's name was changed to EJ King
around 1956.