of "Our" Generation
Congratulations go out to Carla Foster-Rhodes
who recently was awarded her m.s. degree in management with a concentration in health care administration! Her next efforts
will be concentrated on becoming a grandmother! Good Job, Carla!

Rick is the other guy on the right!
Congratulations to Rick Spalenka, class of 1968, who at 50 has begun his second career having graduated as a nurse
the week of May 16th. Goes to show you that EJ King develops students who are never too old to learn new tricks. What is
a landscape architect doing in nursing? He is specializing in therapeutic garden designs and horticulture therapy while now
working part time as a psyche nurse.
Accomplishments of the next generation
Cindy Hathaway's second son, Nathan has also enlisted in the Navy. He began his enlistment
in Dec. 2003 and had his pass in review ceremony in Great Lakes, Ill in March 2004. He graduated with honors. He
is now stationed in San Diego as an airman apprentice. Nathan is attached to the Nimitz
which just left port in May 2005 heading for the Persian Gulf.
Dale Tucker, 21 year old son of Cindy Hathaway-Dever, class of 1975,
enlisted in the USN on Dec. 18, 2001. He had his pass in review ceremony in Feb. at Great Lakes Training Center near Chicago.
His family travelled from Oklahoma and Maryland to attend this ceremony. He is excelling in his tech school training (1st
in class at last update) and will be graduating from his electronics training mid-June of 2002. After one more 6 week long
school which should finish sometime near the end of Aug or the beginning of Sept he will then be assigned to a duty station.

Our Year 2005 Graduates!
Cindy Hathaway-Dever's youngest son, DJ recently graduated from pre-k. Congratulations!

Click on the photo above to go to Daynes graduation page.
Dayne Dever, 6 year old daughter of Cindy (Hathaway) and Dean Dever graduated from Kindergarten this spring. Graduation ceremonies
were on May 7th, 2001 and her last day of school was on May 18th. Congratulations Dayne!
Our deepest condolences to the family of Gene Carnes who passed away on Feb 23, 2005. Gene
was an enthusiastic supporter of our group and a welcome voice on the board (Miracho812). He will certainly be missed.
Our deepest condolences are extended to Tim and Christy
Huggins and their family at the loss of their father earlier this year (2004).

We are all in shock at the loss of one of our friends, Eddie Farris on June 7th. Our deepest condolences are extended to his
family. Please click on the photo above to go to a tribute to Eddie.
In Memorium
Our deepest condolences are extended to Kathe(Fletcher) and Mike Standrige on the loss of their son, Sean on June 4, 2001.
How hearts and prayers and tears are with you and your family.
"We learn from experience. A man never wakes up his second baby just to see it smile." --Grace
Welcome to new Sasebonians!
Thumbelino2001us has a name! Gabriel Joseph joined the Jane (Godsoe) and Frank Weiner family on Friday the 13th of July weighing
in at 6 pounds 13 ounces! Congratulations to Jane and Frank and Daniel, and welcome to Gabriel....

Welcome to Thumbelina2001us.....she/he will be joining us sometime around Aug 4, 2001. She/he is the eagerly awaited
addition to the Jane(Godsoe)and Frank Weiner family.

Cheryl Hathaway is a "granny"! Her daughter, Rhonda Mello gave birth to a baby boy that weighed in at
8lb. 15 oz.and was 22 inches long. JAMES SCOT MELLO was born at 6:15 pm on Thursday, November 16th. New parents Rhonda and
James are doing well and Granny Cheryl arrived two days later at their home at Travis AFB, Ca. to see her first grandchild.

James Scot Mello
And Cheryl is a granny again! Here is her third grandchild, Raena Lavonne Mello.

John Crowe and his wife welcomed the arrival of their second child, a daughter, JAQUELINE, on October 12th, 2000.

Congratulations to Urban Nelson and his family on the addition of his new daughter,ALEXANDRIA. She was a month old
in Mid-November.

Congratulations to Sonya (Hasal) and Rob Koster and Julia on the addition of OLIVIA HASAL KOSTER to their family.
Olivia was born on Friday, September 15th at 3:23 am. and measured in at 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long. She boasts
a full head of hair and a great pair of lungs!


July Birthdays

Happy, Happy Birthday to Ami Zugates-Daniel on July 1st....she has made the BIG 50! Wasn't she a cutie in the third grade???
Things will heat up in Kuwait on July 7th.....Happy Birthday Dean Linner!
Happy 47th to Dave Dallaire on July 13th. Have a great and safe birthday, Dave!
Happy Birthday to Cheryl Hathaway-Kuder on July 21st. She will be 44!
Happy birthday to Dawn Kyle on July 23rd. On July 27th a very happy birthday to Barbara Blowers!
June Birthdays
Yvette Virden will celebrate a birthday on June 4th.
Cheryl Hathaway-Kuder's daughter, Rhonda Mello will be 27
on June 20th.
Mike Standridge celebrates a birthday on June 22nd!
Cindy Hathaway-Dever will (gasp!!) be 47
on June 30th.
May Milestones
A happy 43rd birthday to Nancy Palmer-Dixon on May 5th!
Danielle Tucker, daughter of Cindy Hathaway-Dever has her 20th birthday on May 23rd!
April Announcements
And a very Happy Birthday to April Rohrbacher, Roberts daughter, who will be 16 on April 5th.
March Birthdays
Happy Birthday Darlene Huggins-Neher on St. Patty's day! (Mar. 17) Don't drink too much green beer! Have a good one!
Dean Dever, Cindy Hathaway-Dever's hubby will be 38 on March 24! Happy birthday you young stud, you!
Kent Hathaway, younger sibling of Cindy and Cheryl will be 37 on March 27.
February Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Jane Godsoe-Weiner on Feb. 9.(Don't forget to change your age on your profile!) :-D
Birthdays for January
We rang in the New Year celebrating two birthdays in our group. Best wishes both to Terri Childers-Dalerio and Yvette Foster-Brown.
Jeri-Leigh Tucker, daughter of Cindy Hathaway-Dever, will be celebrating her 16th birthday on Jan 4th. Happy Birthday,
Happy birthday to Sue Graves-Richter on Jan 10.
January 12 celebrates the birthdays of both Mary Huggins-Torpey and Jane Carter-Bentley. Happy 46th ladies!
Happy Birthday to Sharron Johnson on Jan 22.
December Doings!
Charles Huddleston had a birthday on December 10! Happy Birthday, Charles! (How 'bout them COWBOYS!?)
Jordan is 46 on December 12! Have a very happy day, Barb!
Joe Zuilkoski-Williams is getting older too! His birthday
is on December 15th! Happy birthday, Joe-Joe!
November News
Happy Birthday to Johnny Walker....he will be 46 as of November 29!
Elaine Hackett also has a November
October Happenings
Cindy Hathaway's son, Nathan (Chip) Tucker will be 22 on October 4th!
Cheryl Hathaway's son, Rickie Herd,
will be 25 on October 8th.
Larry Brining has his 47th birthday on Halloween, October 31st! Happy Birthday Brining!
September Somethings!
Happy Birthday to Danny Linner on Sept. 3rd!
Cindy Hathaways daughter Dayne Dever has a birthday on Sept. 15th. She will be 10 years old.
Also her step-daughter,
Amanda Dever, will be 18 on Sept. 17th.
Cindy's son Dale Tucker will be 24 years old on Sept 24th.
A very happy birthday wish to Roy Chin on September 25th!
August Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Ginger Holloway-Lyons on Aug 13th!

Cindy Hathaway and Dean Dever went to visit the Judges chambers in Lawton, Oklahoma on April 20, 2001. With their children
Jeri-Leigh, Dayne and DJ in attendance they finally finalized their eight year long engagement!

Carla Foster and her beau Gilbert Rhodes will be tying the knot on May 25th, 2001 in Arlington, Virginia.
Click on Carla and Gil's photo above to go to a website of more photos of their wedding day!
Happy Anniversary to Larry and Mariette Brining on Feb. 14th!
Happy Anniversary to Nancy Palmer-Dixon and her husband on Jan 12.
Sue Graves-Richter (jax) had major surgery on Jan 21. Speedy recovery, Sue!