MAY 28, 2000 2:00PM-6:00PM MILITARY BRATS COME HOME TO WICHITA The Historic Wellington Place 1847 Wellington
Place Wichita, Kansas For Further Information: Reta Jones Nicholson (573)445-1895
JULY 15-18, 2000 DODDS XII REUNION Park Hotel Boston, Massachussetts AOSHS will hold its annual membership
meeting in conjunction with the conference. For more information contact: Barbara & John Williams 32371-128
Alipaz San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675-4188 Phone#: 949.443.9709
The American Overseas Schools Historical Archives & Museum

JULY 20-23, 2001 DODDS XIII REUNION Wichita, Kansas AOSHS will hold its annual membership meeting in Conjunction
with the conference. For more information contact: Barbara & John Williams PSC 76 BOX 5688 APO AP
OCTOBER 19-22, 2000 OVERSEAS BRATS "WICHITA GATHERING" For more information contact: Joe Condrill
Overseas Brats P.O. Box 29805 San Antonio, Texas 78229 Phone#: 210.349.1394
Photos from 1999 Dallas Overseas Brats Reunion!