What kind of things could have happened here?

Tim...I HAD to chuckle when I saw THIS one!! Motomachi bus stop is right there...somehow brings back memories of eggs!!!!!!!
too funny! My brother Tim was a great influence on me...hee hee... One night I was DRAGGGGGGGGGGGED kicking and screaming
to accompany Tim and his friends, Claude???? and Mitch???!!!! THEY had several eggs. Now you have to go the picture in question-the
one looking toward the temple entrance. We were stationed behind the wall. I watched in AWWWWWE as the guys launched eggs
at the city buses (all lit up inside). When they got a hit, the passengers ...heee heee heeee...jumped as the egg splattered
on the windows. Problem. MY eggs would never reach further than a few feet...such disappointment..hmmmmmmmmm--here COMES a
willing victim! walking right below us! PERfect! But willing victim began chasing us!!! I was laughing nearly too hard to
make the get away. We did but the guys, of ALL the nerve!! got mad at me! TOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo funny! THAT is the story of
a younger sister under the influence of an ungrateful older brother! Christi

The Catholic Chapel

The Tamaya

The Three Towers

Sakai Bridge

What was this used for? Ans: The powers that were, gave permission for us to use one of these troop transports (don't know
official name) for our Junior Senior Sneak Day. That was in '69. A driver loaded us all on at Fleet Landing and with engines
full throttle we headed, with wake behind us, to the Island of Kanashige in the 99 Island group. There, for one full lazy
day we enjoyed bleached beaches, aqua surf, and exloring of this uninhabited "Gilligan's" island, under a coppertone
sun, bouncing its delight off the sparkling waves. It was heart-thumpin' excitement at its best.

What used to be here? Ans: As best as I can tell it appears this bowling alley is built directly on the site of the basketball
court of the Base Gym. Doesn't it's configuration stir the cobwebs? The proximity of those old walls to athlete left many
a wall burn. --They must have just received new equipment because there were boxes all over the place!

What is this? Ans: This is the "now" snack bar. OOOOOOooooooooo fancy aye! Somehow though I liked ours where the
sun peeked through those corrugated roof coverings onto those friendly round wooden tables, some wiped clean, & some with
spilled condiments from a previous ketchup fight of underclassmen.

What did this used to be? Ans: This is the present Snack Bar/Bowling Alley on the site of the old Base Gym on main base.

Indeed this is Mr. Shimoda. He happened to be attempting to fix a drinking fountain at King when I happened by. Man oh man!
Did I have to talk turkey to get him to pose! When I told him all of his star pupils were clamoring to see his mug he succumbed
to that line.--
